Two Heads Are Better than One Concept.

Muwonge Nicholus
3 min readSep 26, 2018


As it says, it can be a little confusing in that people don't realize that this doesn't mean you can be excellent on your own but one’s brilliance combined with some other person’s brilliance, this means that there’s bound to be magic.

From my previous experiences from university and back in the day, work done in groups felt less challenging yet it looked more complicated. Well, Andela as successful tech movement has proven that working in teams with proper coordination produces the best results full of diversified ideas. this was also the case at my previous workplace.During bootcamp 1st week which is my current highest progress i have come to notice that a lot of people share the same dreams but mostly they are like really bright and mostly have what it takes to make it through to the fellowship and from these many teams are created to collaborate to get a major success for the whole group. What makes a team a good one according to analysis is, first of all, is knowing who your teammates are, what they are in terms of personality, how your personality fits with theirs and then most importantly how to communicate with them to be able to get a pool of ideas and solutions.

Leaving alone what I think in concept, My team has two ladies and 3 gentlemen( yes you got that right, gentlemen including me.), and then LFA (David in this case). Well we have known each other for a short time and I really like to appreciate the fact that these guys accept to be open to answering questions that seem amateurish in what sense they are raised, you always get a response to aid your learning. There’s David the LFA, well he is a cool fellow, ready to help(in some instances I have texted him late night, it can be disturbing but he helped still),I can say his story about how he got into Andela is encouraging in this sense I know he is a supportive person. That's not all but I still got these other cool people stories to tell.

The rest of the team;

Roy Wasibani, I sat next to him the first time the teammate, he is pretty cool. he spotted some mistakes in my work and tried to help me the best he could. He just like me likes tech, video games and he is mostly smiling most of the times.

Eric Ebulu; well he is the first person I said hey to when we're headed for the meeting. He has mostly almost taught me most of the concepts I know for using git cli and he took and still takes time to reply to chip in when I am having trouble. He is mostly into Soccer actually a fellow MAN United supporter like me. He also likes series really funny ones.

Faith Orone; She caught my attetion because she kind of looked like a friend of mine from back in form 4. Surprising she is as calm as imagined. She actually is always with smile, wearing that face that gives a go ahead to ask where you are stuck. She assisted me in writing my 1st medium blog post though i found a way to mess it up, i think she did a pretty good job with me.I appreciate her being on the team.

Moses Mulondo: I noticed this fell is full of support when in the feedback session he kept raising questions on how to help friends better. He is a pretty out there guy, social as social can get.He is into tech of course, Comedy and soccer like any ideal fellow. Wow team couldnt be more interesting.

Peace Apple; She is the not most talkative in the gang but when you slack her, rest assured she will pretty much come through. She is a fun of video games, she says she likes cooking which I am looking forward to checking out. (wink wink).

So as someone who values their team, I took the time to know who they’re and gained a lot for the relationships. Hence doing better work showing that Two heads indeed make magic. Thank you.



Muwonge Nicholus
Muwonge Nicholus

Written by Muwonge Nicholus

I am a Javascript and Ruby engineer. I love designing user interfaces and currently working in payment systems.

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